Tuesday, August 4, 2020

briefly about tuberculosis


Hello subscribers here I’m going to say about tuberculosis which was a pulmonary disease. The main reason to take this topic is I saw some countries and some places still they are so many people are died by T.B. and pneumonia so I have taken this topic to give awareness on this disease. I hope you may understand this disease

About Tuberculosis:

Tuberculosis is pulmonary disease which is caused by a mycobacterium. It affects lungs and other parts of the body.

This disease cause extra pulmonary and pulmonary disease.

Tuberculosis is two types:

·       Latent tuberculosis

·       Active tuberculosis

Most of the infections show no symptom which is known as latent tuberculosis which left untreated.

Active tuberculosis is widely spread by air and the classic symptoms of the active T.B are:

·       chronic cough ( blood in mucus)

·       fever

·       loss of appetite

·       night sweats and weight loss


Active T.B occurs more often with HIV/AIDS and who smoke.


Tuberculosis can be diagnosed by chest x-ray for active T.B

And tuberculin skin test for latent T.B.

This tuberculosis can be prevented by vaccination with  Bacillus calmette-Guerin (BCG).


Treatment required using of antibiotics for a long time.

Antibiotic is growing problem with increasing rate of multiple drug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) and extensively drug resistant tuberculosis (XDR-TB).


Tuberculosis will come through the air from one person to another person. Then bacteria will settle in the lungs of infected person.

The Mycobacterium tuberculosis will reach the lungs (Alveolar air sacs) then they capture and replicate endosomes of alveolar macrophages. Then the bacteria will be identified by macrophages as a foreign and try to destroy by phagocytosis. While this process is going the bacteria will cover by a temporary membrane called phagosome. Then it becomes a phagolysosome by combining with lysosome. The M.tuberculosis has a thick and waxy mycolic acid capsule that protects from toxic substances.

Ghonfocus is the primary site of infection in lungs. “Simon focus” which is called when tuberculosis of lung occur via blood stream. Tuberculosis will also affect all parts of body through the blood (heart, kidney, skeletal muscles, pancreas and thyroid). The severe type of tuberculosis disease most common in young children and people with HIV is called “milary tuberculosis”. 



As of 2018 most tuberculosis occurred in the region of South-East Asia (44%) Africa (24%) and the western pacific (18%).

More than 50% cases being diagnosed in 18 countries they are:

India (27%) China (9%) Indonesia (8%) the Philippines (6%) Pakistan (6%) Nigeria (4%) and Bangladesh (4%).

Present Globally TB incidence is falling about 2% per year.


Recently the Ministry of Health and family Welfare has launched the annual TB report 2020 that is eliminating the TB by 2025. India has committed to eliminating the Tuberculosis from the country by 2025, five years ahead of the globally targeted by the world health organization (WHO) i.e. 2030.

Stop spread of T.B:

·       Take all of your medicines as they’re prescribed, until your doctor takes you off them.

·       Always cover your mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze…..

·       Wash your hands after coughing or sneezing.

 In countries with high rates of T.B infection, infants are often given the BCG vaccine. Doctors in U.S. don’t generally recommend it because T.B is not a widespread problem there.

Conclusion: be aware of Tuberculosis and stay safe if you like this article/ blog please like, subscribe and follow and share it. If you want to know about any other diseases comment it.

If they are any mistakes please feel free to comment it and I will improve it 







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