Sunday, August 2, 2020

what is pathology and subdivisions?


Hello friends this is my first blog. I’m going to say about what pathology is and how the pathology can be described. You can easily grasp or you will know minimum basic things in it by this post. By this post you will know how the body reacts to the pathological disease. Coming to the matter;

About Pathology:

(Patho means – ‘suffering’ and logy means-“study of”)

Pathology is a study of disease and how the disease will occur. It is a connection between science and medicine. It interferes with every characteristic of patient health, from diagnostic testing and treatment advice to using cutting-edge genetic technologies and preventing disease.

By learning pathology we will know what will happens when you have illness and effects of disease and their symptoms with complications come to the body.

General pathology include number of distinct but inter-related medical specialties that diagnose disease and in different path to indicate the disease state in both physical and psychological conditions


They are many other types of subdivisions. Here the list of subdivisions:

·       Anatomical pathology

·       Clinical pathology

·       Molecular pathology

·       Surgical pathology...etc…

Pathology address as four different components of disease: Cause, mechanisms of development (pathogenesis), structural alterations of cells (morphological changes), and the consequences of changes.

·       The most infectious and non-infectious disease is conducted by experts in one of the two major specialties and they are Anatomical and clinical pathology.

·       Pathology is a major field in medical diagnosis and medical research.

·       Pathology can study as path physiology and path anatomy.

What is Path physiology?

                          It is the study of disease which is described in the physiological manner. As physiology means the pathological changes in blood and when disease occurs it affects the body and we study in physiological manner.

What is Path Anatomy?

                        It is the study of disease which is described in the anatomical manner. It means changes in structure, size, color, and other anatomical changes.

·       The major two types of pathological divisions are clinical and anatomical pathology.

What is clinical pathology?

                                The clinical pathology which concerns with diagnosis of disease by the body fluids such as urine, blood, tissues, and use the tools from microbiology, molecular science and hematology.

What is surgical pathology?

                                The disease which can be removed through the surgery by determining the treatment plan. It may also call the biopsy. In this type we determine all types of pathological changes by using microscope and other instruments to do the examination of an organ/blood...etc...

What is molecular pathology?

                                It is the study of disease and diagnosing in the examination of cells/molecules in the organ or body fluids.

It is used in diagnosis of cancer and infectious diseases.

To diagnose the disease it uses polymerase chain reaction, DNA microarray, insitu hybridization.


ü Rudolf Virchow recognized to be the father of microscopic pathology.

ü The first physician to make the postmortem was Avenzoar.


In this blog I have written about what is pathology? And how many subdivisions are their? How do you study and what do you study?

I have started the blog and this is my first blog friends please support me. If I have written any mistakes please feel free to comment it. If you like this blog share to your friends and follow us. 



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